Sunday, April 10, 2011

Apothecary Jars

I have been seeing these  jars all over blogs, and I have also seen a few tutorials on them. I finally decided to make my own. Here is where I found my directions-  Till Death Do us Part and here too Lolly Jane boutique.  I did not spend a lot of money on these at all and they turned out super cute! I got the wood bases and pieces at Michael's and the candlestick is glass from dollar tree. The glass vases are from dollar tree as well, and the lids are leftover from candle jars!

I painted on three coats of paint here, first primer gray, then a sage green and finally a light brown. I lightly sanded a couple spots to give it a worn and distressed feel. I am going to have fun changing out the items for different holidays and seasons in these!Right now I have some plastic eggs in one, and I am trying to figure out what to put in the other.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Barbie's New Digs

I just began a new project for my daughter and her Barbie Family. I am turning two bookshelf things we got for FREE into a cool, funky and totally fun Barbie Dream House! First, let me tell you about the shelves. I got this set of cabinet/dresser things off of Freecycle about 2 years ago. They had a hutch shelf thing on top, not screwed in just there, and they weren't quite deep enough for my storage bins. Plus they were UGLY!

One of the shelves, after I added a base.
So I decided they would make an awesome Barbie house. My husband looked at me like I was crazy, which is not abnormal or untrue. The first thing I did was add a base, as these did not have one and I did not want them to fall over and crush my daughter, plus barbie furniture would just work better on a nice smooth surface. I checked out the cull lumber at my local Home Depot, and I got two of these shelving pieces for 50 cents a piece. They have a nice curved front edge, are slightly larger than the shelf providing stability, and a little longer too. Now Barbie gets a little patio for BBQ's, and maybe a hot tub. All I did was secure it with 4 L brackets. 

Now, not to deceive you, but I have had it in that exact state for about, well, 6 months. I had a lot going on, and my little one still played with it and Barbie just had a very plain white house. I just pretended that she was still in talks with her interior decorator, deciding on colors. 

Then today, I decided it was time to get started. I am moving slowly, but I got a few things painted. First, the dining room accent wall. 
Check out the Zebra rug!

Yes, that is black. And I am using scrapbook paper as a wallpaper. I am going to Mod Podge it on tomorrow.  I know I got paint on the other wall, but it will scrape right off and I was not in the mood to tape it off tonight. And yes, that is a zebra print rug. It is a piece of scrapbook card stock that I covered on both sides with contact paper, so she can move it around.

I also painted a pink and a red room. I know most Barbie furniture you purchase is pink, but my daughter even said Ken doesn't like pink. After the first coat of red, it looked like a little Barbie CSI scene. The second coat looks better but I think it will need at least three, and I am going to clear coat it all. 
The other bookshelf. See what I mean about the red? 
I will keep posting as I get more completed. I would love to hear ideas for decor and flooring. I am hoping to do this very cheap, using stuff I have been hoarding for the past few years in the craft room. What do I have planned? Check back to find out, but it does include scrapbook embellishments, vinyl and much more.