Monday, June 6, 2011

I wasn't allowed to do a turtle, So a Seahorse it is

I have a thing for turtles. I have no idea where this came from, but I love all types. So when I went to do this project, I asked my husband for suggestions on the sea life I would use, and he instantly said something to the effect of, "Oh please anything but another turtle." Now, that isn't a direct quote, but that what was what appeared in the little thought bubble above his head. I threw out a couple of beachy animal, sea life type suggestions, and he gave me an ever so helpful, "Yeah, any of those would be cute."

I ended up choosing the seahorse. I think I recently saw something with a seahorse on it, and that has kinda stuck in my head. Then I got to work. Let's start with the awesome find- the wooden sign...or plaque...or whatever you want to call it. I call it awesome since I scored it at Goodwill for 99cents!

I sprayed it with a couple coats of white spray paint. Once it was dry, I made my stencil. I cut out the Seahorse using my Cricut, and the "Life's A Beach" cartridge. I have about 5 other projects lined up this month using the same cartridge. I stenciled the seahorse on and then used a Plum colored acrylic paint and painted him on. After he dried, and yes, I have decided the seahorse is a boy, i took some black paint and just lightly brushed it along the edges and a little across the picture with the grain. Once everything was dry, I sanded the entire thing. This gave the entire thing a great weathered look. I think it turned out pretty darn cute, what do you think?